Brandon Wrencher


Brandon is a minister, organizer, writer, teacher and facilitator. He works across the US within faith, education, and non-profit sectors at the intersections of decolonizing church, contemplative activism, and local presence to build beloved communities. As a serial innovator, Brandon with a team of friends and neighbors planted The Good Neighbor Movement, a multiracial, queer-affirming, Black-led alternative spiritual community organized as a network of contemplative activist groups, based in Greensboro, NC. Brandon is an ordained elder in the Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church and serves on several local faith-based and social justice committees and boards. Brandon holds a Bachelor of Arts in Religion from UNC-Chapel Hill, a Master of Divinity from North Park Theological Seminary, and completed post-graduate studies in theology and ethics from Duke Divinity School. He has written for Sojourners, The Other Journal, Missio Alliance and other publications. Brandon is married to Erica, who is a cultural and social justice educator, and they have two elementary-aged sons. Brandon has served as the project director of Liberating Church, contributing his gifts of being a catalyst, group facilitation, passion for amplifying the stories of faith communities on the margins, and intellectual curiosity for charting fresh theological territory that impacts the church and society.